Completed 5/29/24

Write News Blog Entries

 5 (2)
Apprentice Apprentice rating badge
Instructed by Chris Galy

Rick Devine and Alana Deluty attending

Instructed in English
Live/Recorded via Zoom
Up to 5 people


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You'll learn

Write News Blog Entries

Write online blog entries that address news developments or offer additional information, opinions, or commentary on news events.

And the skills you'll learn

BloggingJournalismArticle MarketingNewsletters

Meet your instructor

Chris Galy

Co-Founder at Talentsky

5 rating
2 reviews

My platform is to build awesome, growth-oriented, innovation-driven companies that deliver delight to customers because when done correctly, everyone wins! I care deeply about people and the work we do. I am passionate about driving growth (personal, organizational, and societal) and social good. As a veteran and human resources executive, I dedicate many waking hours helping veterans and their loved ones find meaningful careers, especially those currently transitioning from active service.


Hits, click, and likes are the new currency. Whether you are seeking to become the next great social media sensation or just trying to get the word out, blogging is still a core social strategy you don't want to forget about. In this session, I'll share some of the fundamentals for blogging that will serve as an ongoing construct for getting up and blogging and/or doing it better than you are today. Join me fo rthis fun and interactive session...I look forward to seeing you live!

Task assignment

Brainstorm, decide, acquire, write and publish your very own blog page to share what's important to you with the world!

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