Instructor canceled 9/10/24

Career Coaching

Apprentice Apprentice rating badge
Instructed by Chris Galy

Alana Deluty attending

Instructed in English
Live/Recorded via Zoom
Up to 5 people


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You'll learn

Career Coaching

Offering consult and insight to others as they consider career opportunities and paths. Coaching activities could include but is not limited to setting goals, gaining deeper understanding of steps to an end goal, validating and helping build necessary job and job search skills, resume and career profile review, introductions and other guidance in service to helping identofy and plan careers strategies and tactics.

And the skills you'll learn

Career CounselingMentoring OthersCareer MobilityTraining ServicesExecutive Coaching

Meet your instructor

Chris Galy

Co-Founder at Talentsky

5 rating
2 reviews

My platform is to build awesome, growth-oriented, innovation-driven companies that deliver delight to customers because when done correctly, everyone wins! I care deeply about people and the work we do. I am passionate about driving growth (personal, organizational, and societal) and social good. As a veteran and human resources executive, I dedicate many waking hours helping veterans and their loved ones find meaningful careers, especially those currently transitioning from active service.


Managing one's career in modern times - despite the plethora of information available - is something we all procrastinate on. All too often, we engage only when triggered by a forcing event. In this workshop, we'll venture through the basics (the must haves at all times), build muscle memory on high percentage yield activities, and lay the foundation for agile mindset with action plans to make sure you run the business of you fortuitously. Trust me, this is not something to outsource to AI.

Task assignment

* Introductions & session kickoff * Career visioning framework introduction * Unique value add discussion * Edgar Schein Career Anchors introduction * Career planning 101 exercise * Q & A +

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