Steven Dietch
Steven Dietch
CRO at Bridg Inc.
Los Angeles, CA, US
I have a passion for building high performance teams, creating winning strategies, and driving operational execution. Unique cross functional experience spanning strategy, product, business development, and go-to-market; leveraged to kickstart new, scale existing, and transform start-up and multi-billion-dollar business environments.
Mentor page
Chief Revenue Officer
Plan and direct all sales policies, objectives, and initiatives as well as manage all aspects of the sales function, such as inside sales, outside sales, and customer service teams. Develop sales plans to fulfill growth and revenue goals; design goals and strategies to ensure that maximum sales volume of products and services are met. Participate in strategic planning, implementation, and company leadership.
Evaluate Marketing Strategies
Johanna Lobo and Rick Devine
Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost and markup factors.
Target Account SellingMarketing Strategy & PositioningSWOT AnalysisProduct PromotionVendor Management
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