
Xano is the fastest no code backend development platform. We are a great fit for startups, development agencies, entrepreneurs and consultants to easily create MVP’s and get to product market fit in record time! Xano handles and manages business logic (CRUD), API’s, database, hosting, server, DevOps, background tasks and more -- all without knowing how to code. We also work well with many no code front end platforms.

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Matthew Major

Senior Manager at Tandym Group

Brij Anand

Operations leader focused on revenue and scaling | Building scalable growth engines in complex markets | Sales + Marketing + Partnerships | ex. Citi, Barclays, Wolters Kluwer | Wharton MBA at Creative Xchange

Samantha Giannini

Field Representative at Amazon

Robyn Schiller

Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder at Warwick Schiller Attuned Horsemanship

Johno Ellison

Senior Product Designer at Johno Ellison Design & Engineering